- Unit 1, Palmer Business Court , Manor House Road , Nottingham , NG10 1LR , United Kingdom
- 01159 724238
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EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERSThe CPT Directors have over 40 years of combined experience in concrete repair consultancy and 30 years of experience in the electrochemical treatment of reinforced concrete structures. To date we have produced more than 100 technical publications and have both the technical and practical on-site knowledge to offer our clients optimum corrosion mitigation solutions. We offer an innovative and flexible range of products to effectively treat steel corrosion problems on a wide range of reinforced concrete structures such as bridges, car parks and coastal, industrial and civilian structures. Our products have been installed on over 80 projects in 7 countries. With research and development at the core of the company, we are constantly developing new products and building on our existing range to remain at the forefront of corrosion repair technologies. We work closely with clients to assess their structure, determine the extent of corrosion and deliver a cost engineered solution.