- McLaren House , 46 The Priory Queensway , Birmingham , West Midlands , B4 7LR , United Kingdom
- 07976 343921
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CONSULTANTSKier is one of the UK's largest highways service providers, working with a wide range of partners from key central organisations like National Highways and Transport for London, through to a wide range of local authorities, who are collectively responsible for the roads we travel on. We design roads, bridges and intelligent transport systems, covering strategic and other nationally important roads, as well as local roads serving communities across the country. Our projects range from major improvements to complete renewals of roads and highway structures.
Our services include those for the management and maintenance of structural assets. To support that, we include cathodic protection and other electrochemical repair techniques in our portfolio of repair and maintenance solutions. These services are provided by staff who have been involved with the design, installation and monitoring of electrochemical repair systems since the early UK installation of cathodic protection systems in the 1990s.