- VINCI Construction UK , Stanbridge Road , Leighton Buzzard , Bedfordshire , LU7 4QH , United Kingdom
- 01525 859050
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CONSULTANTSFounder members of the CPA, providing consultancy services UK & Worldwide relating to the investigation, design, installation and long term of monitoring of Cathodic Protection systems. The team also provides a holistic service for the evaluation and assessment of the condition of buildings and structural elements, from investigation, through the implementation of remedial works, to monitoring and maintenance. Our expertise can be applied at every stage in the life-cycle of a structure, from feasibility to decommissioning. We offer a wide range of services, including, Building condition surveys, Corrosion condition assessments, Fire damage assessments, Life-care planning for multi-storey car parks, Structural design and consultancy services