- 11a Springfield Avenue , Newport , Shropshire , TF10 7HP , United Kingdom
- 07484 838232
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MSc, CEng, FICorr, FIMMM, BS EN ISO 15257 Level 4 Cathodic Protection Specialist, NACE Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Specialist
Providing technical expertise in Cathodic Protection Design, Corrosion Prevention and Control, identification and investigation of deterioration and failures, infrastructure life extension design, and whole-life planning.
Specialist services for investigating, identifying and managing corrosion-related deterioration of critical metallic and reinforced concrete infrastructure.
With 26 years of experience in the corrosion management industry, developing and promoting innovative corrosion management solutions which improve sustainability and offer lasting economic and environmental benefits.
My personal goal is to educate and share knowledge of corrosion management technology within the industry and help to promote the understanding and adoption of this technology.
My role within the industry has been and continues to be based on the research, development, implementation, technical advancement, knowledge sharing and teaching of corrosion prevention and corrosion control technology.
Corrosion management technology has a direct and positive impact on the world, by reducing the use of our non-renewable natural resources, ensuring that our built environment lasts for as long as possible and that the maximum amount of material can be recovered and recycled at the end of life.